Keeping your pool sparkling clean does not have to be as difficult as you might think. All pools are different and so are their maintenance needs. However, they all share one thing: The secret to perfect pool health is a regular scheduled .

If you choose to handle common problems like leaking pipes or broken pumps on your own, make sure to always consult the manufacturer manuals before fixing or using equipment. No matter if you rely on a service company to take care of your pool, you still need to do a few things on your own to ensure your pool stays in good condition for years.

Check out the tips below to make sure your pool equipment lasts long.

1. Pump Maintenance

The purpose of your pool pump is to suck water from the pool which goes through a filter and is pumped back into the pool. Maintaining a pool pump in prime condition does require year-round servicing, but with these easy steps it will become second nature.

  • Lubricate all union and lid O-rings with a silicon-based lube to make sure they do not dry out, which prevents unwanted air getting into the system.
  • Remove any dust and debris from around the motor to ensure ventilation and free airflow around the pump to cool the motor.
  • Clean the pump basket/filter regularly to avoid debris buildup. If you’re handy with tools you can remove the wet end of the pump to clean out and ensure the impeller is free from debris.
2. Filter Maintenance

The pool filter is crucial for keeping a pool clean and healthy. Whatever kind of filter system you have, it removes larger particles like dirt, hair and insects from the pool water as well as finer particles like bacteria and other contaminants.

Sand Filter:

  • Lubricate all union and neck O-rings with a silicon based lube to make sure they do not dry out.
  • Visually inspect the sand filter for any splits or leaks.
  • Make sure to backwash and rinse once a month to ensure the sand is free to capture any particles.
  • Perform a filter degrease with a filter media cleaner.

Cartridge Filter

  • Lubricate all union and lid O-rings with silicon-based lube to make sure they do not dry out.
  • Visually inspect the cartridge filter tank and lid for any splits or leaks.
  • Make sure to clean out the cartridge element with a high-pressure hose once a month.
  • Perform a cartridge degrease with an element media cleaner.

3. Chlorinator Maintenance

A salt cell also known as a chlorine generator is an important part of every pool. It produces sanitisers that keep your water fresh and clean. However, it requires ongoing maintenance to continue functioning or serious problems can arise.

  • Visually inspect the chlorinator housing for any splits or leaks.
  • Lubricate the cell housing O-ring with a silicon-based lube to prevent it from drying out.
  • Ensure all timers are set correctly and running in time.
  • To remove any calcium deposits, clean the cell and flow sensor with a 15:1 acid solution or a purpose made cell cleaner for no longer than 20 minutes