Pool Chlorine Sanitiser

How to add chlorine to pool?

With granular chlorine, dissolve the required amount in a bucket and add the dissolved chlorine around the parameter of the pool. Using liquid chlorine, measure the amount required and slowly [...]

How to add chlorine to pool?2023-01-16T14:33:31+11:00

How to reduce chlorine in pool?

There are a number of ways to reduce the chlorine levels in your pool and the most common is to dilute the water (top the levels up) or wait until [...]

How to reduce chlorine in pool?2023-01-16T14:33:38+11:00

How much liquid chlorine to add to pool?

Depending on whether you are using a stabiliser in your pool will determine the amount of chlorine required. To maintain the correct chlorine levels, you should add 200ml per 10,000 [...]

How much liquid chlorine to add to pool?2023-01-16T14:33:53+11:00

How much chlorine to add to pool?

The pool’s free chlorine levels should be between 1-3ppm and depending on the size of your pool and your current pool conditions, the amount of chlorine you require will vary.

How much chlorine to add to pool?2023-01-16T14:34:07+11:00


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