For swimmers and pool owners, the outdoor swimming season often seems too short. However, there are a few tricks that can help you sneak in just a little more swim time before closing your pool for the winter.

Gas Heaters

Using a gas heater, which normally runs on natural gas or LPG is an efficient way to heat your pool and make the season last. They work quickly by burning gas in the heater’s combustion chamber, generating heat that transfers to the water.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are another alternative that works particularly well for pools in Australia. These heat pumps utilise the air around the unit and mostly require temperatures above 15 degrees. The benefit is that they are cost-effective and save pool owners a lot of money compared to gas heaters.

Solar Pool Covers

Solar pool covers are great as they are eco-friendly and cost nothing after the initial purchase. Solar covers lock in heat from the sun for long intervals when the pool is not in use, raising your pools temperature. They are fantastic to pair with other heating options since they help lessen heat loss.

Solar Panels

Much like solar covers, solar panels use the power of the sun to keep your pool heated longer. Unlike covers, they can stay on while your pool is in use, so your pool continues to stay heated longer. Many customers have noted that installing solar panels has allowed them to open their pool earlier and keep it open longer, making the most of their investment overall.

Outdoor Patio Heaters & Fire Pits

While these won’t make your pool warmer, standalone heaters and fire pits can be helpful in extending your pool season. They allow swimming pool owners to warm up quickly after exiting the pool, even when the air is chilly. This will allow you to enjoy your backyard and patio area longer.