Inspect Pool Cleaning Equipment for Damage
  • Visually inspect all your equipment for damage. Give your cleaning equipment a good rinse with a garden hose to remove dust and any other residue from dried pool water from the surfaces of your equipment. Check for cracks, brittle parts, and other damage that might have occurred during storage.
  • While pool cleaning equipment is built to withstand corrosion from pool chemicals, the combination of time, cold air, chemical residues, and dryness can still cause brittleness and damage to your equipment, that’s why we recommend to give your pool equipment a hose down with before putting them into storage.
Pool Brushes
  • The most common damage with pool brushes after a long period of storage is damage to the bristles themselves. Nylon brushes tend to become brittle if they are away from moisture for extended periods of time.
  • If the bristles have become brittle over the winter, then get yourself a new one before the summer season starts. You’ll be using it a lot over the summer and it’s one of the essential pieces of pool cleaning equipment that you’ll be using during the summer.
Leaf Skimmers, Rakes, and Shovels
  • Check for tears on the net and repair as needed so that when leaves and other debris fall into your pool you can scoop them up with no problems.
  • If the tears are too big then it’s time to replace them with new ones in preparation for summer.
Telescopic Poles and Vacuum Head
  • Check the hinges and locks of your telescopic pole as they might have become brittle or stuck from pool chemical residue over the winter.
  • Broken locks mean that nothing will hold your pole in place and this will prevent you from vacuuming or brushing your pool without the pole randomly changing lengths as you go along.
Pool Hoses
  • Check your pool hoses carefully for any damage that might have occurred during storage.
  • A damaged pool hose can prevent you from getting a good vacuum when you are manually vacuuming the pool so ensure that your pool hose is in top condition in preparation for summer.
Skimmer Baskets and Pump Baskets
  • Check your skimmer baskets and pump baskets for any cracks or damage.
  • This is usually overlooked since it’s out of sight but it’s good to check up on these as they’re your pump’s first line of defense against large pieces of debris that may damage your impellers or clog up your pipes.
Automatic Pool Cleaners
  • For automatic pool cleaners, the main thing that you should look out for, especially if they’ve been in storage for a while is to check that all hoses are free from cracks as this will prevent your cleaner from working.
  • Also ensure that the flow valve and vacuum plate are free from any damage, again these are integral parts for your automatic cleaner to work as best as possible.