Your pool chemicals can eat up most of your pool’s maintenance cost, but there are a few simple tricks that can help save a lot of money in the long run. Check out our list of helpful tips that could help you save a fortune.

Chemical Balancing

The chemical balance of a swimming pool is vitally important. While it may be extra work to maintain the chemical balance it will help prevent algae and cloudy water from developing. When adding chemicals to the pool there is a particular order they should be added in:

  • After testing the water, if you are required to add pH increaser/decreaser and alkalinity increaser it is best to add the alkalinity increaser on day 1 and pH increaser/decreaser on day 2. If you add them at the same time they will cancel each other out, therefore wasting chemicals.
  • Always ensure your stabiliser level is correct before adding chlorine to the pool. This will ensure that the chlorine is not burnt off by the sun quicker than sanitising the water.
  • When adding stabiliser to the water, make sure to not backwash your filter for at least 3 days. Stabiliser slowly dissolves in the filter, so if you backwash after adding you could be pouring money down the drain.
  • Before adding any chemicals, ensure that your pH is within 7.2–7.6. All chemicals are more effective when the pH is correct.
  • If possible add chlorine or sanitiser’s in at night to prevent unnecessary burning off from UV rays.

Overall, the absolute best way to save money on chemicals is to test the water more regularly. This prevents levels shooting up and down while also creating better quality water and swimming experience.

Solar Pool Cover

Pool covers are a great investment, they have many great advantages in regards to water and chemical savings.

There are three big reasons you need to protect your pool from sunlight.

  1. The first is the bacteria and algae that chlorine has to eliminate; both grow best in warm water with lots of sunlight. So, if they are allowed to grow almost unchecked in a warm sunny pool, you’ll use up your chlorine faster and have to regularly replenish it.
  2. The second is sunlight reduces chlorine’s efficiency. It causes the sanitiser to dissipate faster and the chlorine demand to go up. On a sunny day, it only takes 2 hours to burn off your chlorine by 90%.
  3. Thirdly, to fight evaporation make sure your pool is covered when not in use. A simple solar cover between swims is all that is needed to save precious litres. If you use a pool heater, keep it set as low as possible.

Therefore, unless someone is swimming, cover your pool to save money on water and chemicals.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

So, there you have it, once you know how to save money on pool chemicals, it’s not hard to manage efficiency. A lot of it comes down to using tactics so your chemicals don’t have to do as much work.