In this guide on chemicals for pool cleaning, you’ll discover the key chemicals for maintaining a pristine pool. From chlorine to pH balancers, we’ll explain what they do and how each will keep your pool in top shape.
What Do I Need To Keep My Pool Clean?
Algaecides are specialised chemicals designed to combat and prevent algae growth. These microscopic plants will turn your pool green and make your pool steps slippery and unsafe.
Algaecides break down the cell walls of algae, making it easier for your pool’s filtration system to remove them.
In the big picture of pool cleanliness, algaecides act as a supportive player. Use them along with other chemicals for pool cleaning to maintain a completely healthy and clear pool.
Balancer Chemicals
Balancer chemicals adjust the acidity, alkalinity, stabiliser levels and hardness of pool water, enabling other chemicals for pool cleaning (like chlorine and algaecides) to function effectively. They also prevent damage to your pool and equipment.
Balancer chemicals include:
- Alkalinity increaser
- Calcium increaser
- pH decreaser
- pH increaser
- Stabilise
Alkalinity increasers raise pool water’s total alkalinity, creating a more stable pH environment when the alkalinity level is between 80-120ppm.
Calcium hardness increasers add calcium to your pool water, which is essential for preventing foamy water and protecting your pool equipment from corrosion and scaling. Most pools require between 250-500 ppm. This prevents the water from trying to leach it from elsewhere. Please note that a mineral pool will show high Hardness due to the way testing for total hardness is done.
pH increasers elevate low acidity levels to avoid swimmer skin irritation and damage to pool equipment. Meanwhile, pH decreasers lower high alkalinity, allowing chlorine to be more effective, deterring cloudy water and calcium deposits. The ideal pH level for most swimming pools is 7.2 to 7.6.
Clearly, well-balanced water helps you dodge a whole host of problems!

Chlorine Sanitisers
Chlorine sanitisers act as disinfectants, killing bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in pool water. They’re the primary line of defence in maintaining a clean and safe pool.
Swimming in unsanitised water can expose swimmers to various health risks like bacterial infections, viruses, skin and eye irritation, and ear infections.
Chlorine sanitisers are available in tablet, granular, and liquid form.
Chlorine levels are typically kept between 1-3 ppm.
Is your pool cloudy? Cloudy water can result from poor filtration, imbalanced water chemistry, or fine particles and contaminants your pool filter can’t catch.
If it’s the latter, you need pool clarifiers. Clarifiers work by clumping tiny, hard-to-filter particles into larger ones, making it easier for your pool’s filtration system to remove them.
Flocculents perform a very similar function to clarifiers but are more effective when your pool water is very cloudy. Flocculent particles are bigger and heavier than clarifier particles and as a result they do not get filtered through the filter system, but instead sink to the pool floor where they need to be vacuumed to waste.
Whether you are using clarifiers or flocculents, your cloudy water will transform into crystal-clear water in no time!

Pool Salt
Chlorine sanitisers act as disinfectants, killing bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in pool water. They’re the primary line of defence in maintaining a clean and safe pool.
Swimming in unsanitised water can expose swimmers to various health risks like bacterial infections, viruses, skin and eye irritation, and ear infections.
Chlorine sanitisers are available in tablet, granular, and liquid form.
Chlorine levels are typically kept between 1-3 ppm.

Specialty Chemicals
Shock treatment for chlorine pools rapidly elevates chlorine levels to break down organic waste, bacteria, and algae.
Shocking your pool also removes chloramines. Chloramines are formed when free chlorine is used up and becomes combined chlorine. When chloramines build up, your pool has a strong “chlorine” smell and your free chlorine is not as effective.
You might need to shock your pool after heavy usage, a storm, or when you notice algae or cloudy water. Shock treatment is your go-to for heavy-duty cleaning, hitting the reset button on water quality.
Stabiliser, usually made from cyanuric acid, protects chlorine from quickly degrading by sunlight. It acts as a shield, making chlorine last longer in your pool. Without a stabiliser, your pool would require more frequent chlorine doses, costing you time and money.
Using a stabiliser helps chlorine remain effective longer for a cleaner, healthier pool.
Hy-Clor offers stabiliser in tablet or granular options
Stabliser/Cyanuric acid levels are typically best kept between 30-60 PPM.
What Spa Supplies Do I Need To Keep My Spa Clean?
- 1Sanitisers: Chemicals like bromine or spa chlorine tablets disinfect the water by killing bacteria and viruses. Bromine works best for a heated spa however breaks down rapidly in the sun , stabiliser can’t help bromine.
- 2pH balancers: pH increasers and decreases adjust acidity and alkalinity levels, ensuring sanitisers work correctly.
- 3Alkalinity boosters: These increase the water’s alkalinity level, providing a stable pH environment.
- 4Calcium increaser: Adds calcium to the water to prevent foam and protect spa equipment from corrosion.
- 5Shock treatment: The ultimate spa cleaner, this concentrated dose of sanitiser rapidly oxidises contaminants and rejuvenates water clarity.
- 6Clarifiers: These help coagulate tiny particles for easier filtration, improving water clarity.
- 7Spa fragrances: These not only add pleasant scents to enhance your spa experience but often contain clarifying agents to help improve water clarity.
Do You Need the Right Chemicals To Keep Your Pool Clean?
Don’t take chances with your pool’s chemistry. For water that’s always safe and clean to enjoy, trust our comprehensive range of superior pool chemicals. We have all the chemicals for pool cleaning you need, whether you have a spa or a chlorine or saltwater pool.
Take the guesswork out of pool maintenance by switching to Hy-Clor pool supplies today!
Contact us via our online form or visit your nearest Bunnings Warehouse for our full range of products.
For more information on what pool chemicals do and how to use them, read our Pool Chemical Guide.