With our summer creeping up on us – pool algae is usually the first thing we need to look out for as algae can bloom very quickly.

What is Algae?

Algae starts from just spores, however, can multiply enough to toss a pool totally green in a matter of days if the circumstances are right. Algae typically develops on the surface of your pool but can also grow inside the pool plumbing and equipment. Algae will grow if there is a lack of pool sanitiser or unbalanced pool chemicals, that is why it is very important to be on top of your pool maintenance during the hotter seasons.

3 Types of Algae:
1. Green Algae

Green algae is the most common type of algae found in pools – The first sign of green algae is when your pool surface becomes slimy, visible algae can be removed with a pool brush. Your pool water needs to be then sanitised with a strong chlorine to kill off remaining algae and also to prevent it from coming back.

2. Mustard Algae

Mustard or Yellow Algae has a considerably slow growth rate, but it is tough to eradicate. The best way to wipe out mustard algae is to perform a Super-Shock. Same as green algae, you can brush off the surface layer of the patches to expose the under-layer of the algae. This will then let the pool chlorine attack and kill the algae spores.

3. Black Algae

Black Algae is the worst of the lot. The first signs of black algae are the emergence of black dots at the bottom or walls of the pool. It starts with these black dots and then develops rapidly, when left untreated, black algae can essentially cause structural harm to your pool, due to it being able to grow deep into concrete and other pool surfaces. Blackspot remover is used to quickly kill and remover stubborn black algae.


So, there you have it, the 3 types of algae and how to combat them. To avoid all this hassle and create a stress-free swimming pool experience, make sure to regularly add a high strength algaecide to prevent algae from blooming.

For more information on any pool or chemical enquiries, do not hesitate to contact HY-CLOR on 1800 625 123.