Pool Pump Filters
When you are offering a quality pool experience for your friends and family,
or even if you just want a better standard of water in your backyard pool, you’ll need a quality pool filter.
Hy-Clor Cartridge Filters are ideal for small to large domestic swimming pools and spas and offer outstanding performance and durability.
Made from quality materials, they are corrosion resistant for extremely long life.
It is important to have quality pool cartridge filters in use because they ensure the cleanliness of the water. By doing so, it also allows people to enjoy their time in the pool without worrying about hygiene issues. Additionally, it will help to prolong the life of your pool filter and keep it working properly.
You can purchase any of the popular Hy-Clor products at Bunnings, making sure the purchase process is quick and easy. Hy•Quality pool pump filter products & cartridges at Hy•Clor.
Our Pool Pump Filters

Discontinued Filters
Pool Clarifier FAQs
Have questions about pool clarifiers? Get the Hy•Quality advice you need below.
No, a clarifier does not lower pH. Some clarifiers actually increase the pH levels, which need to be kept within the desired range of 7.2 – 7.6.
The clarifier works to clear mild cloudy pool water. In circumstances where you cannot see the bottom of the pool floor, you may need to use a flocculant.
For a clarifier to take full effect, it can take up to 2-3 days and you need to ensure your pool is balanced and the filtration is running at least 8 hours per day. Any pre-existing problems such as algae need to be addressed before adding the clarifier to the pool.
During the swimming season, you should add a weekly dose of Hyclor’s pool clarifier to your pool and monthly during the winter season.
Pool clarifiers bind fine particles together so they can be captured in the pool filter, restoring the pool water to its sparkling best.
Pool Clarifier FAQs
Have questions about pool clarifiers? Get the Hy•Quality advice you need below.